If you are using your credit card to send money on PayPal, be aware of the fees associated with this type of transaction. While PayPal does not charge a cash advance fee, you might still end up paying a transaction fee. This fee can range from 3% to 5%. If you are concerned about the fees associated with using your credit card on PayPal, you should contact your card issuer.
Although PayPal does not charge a monthly fee for using your credit card for purchases, it does charge a fee for some optional services. These include advanced fraud protection, recurrent billing, and PayPal Payments Pro, which allows you to accept payments directly on your website. These services can help you avoid hidden charges while processing your payments.
When using your credit card for purchases on PayPal, you must first link it with your PayPal account. You can add more credit cards later. Besides, you can choose to receive payments at regular intervals or biweekly. Once you’ve done that, you can begin making purchases on PayPal with your credit card.
PayPal keeps its fees to a minimum. This makes it affordable and easy to use. Additionally, the company’s pricing structure is very transparent. You should never get any unpleasant surprises when you get your monthly statement.